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Counter Terrorism

Analysing The Risk Of Terrorism To Your Business

Although the threat of terrorism is found anywhere in the world, the growing levels of violent and highly disruptive crime in Kenya should be cause for concern to any organisation. Potentially, a terrorist attack on – or near to – your premises could destroy your reputation, damage your premises, or cost lives.

XFOR Kenya puts years of African and British military intelligence to work in monitoring and assessing the current threat climate, and can provide businesses with a frank, detailed assessment of their current counter terrorism precautions, procedures and equipment.

The information that we gather is then compiled into a report that works alongside recommendations of revisions or additions to your current security. As well as evaluating the counter terrorism measures that your business implements, XFOR alerts organisations to changes in the threat level, including reports of potential attacks or causes for increased vigilance. Together, XFOR counter terrorism consultancy services help to ensure safety for both your business and those employed within it.


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